Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Select the user groups whose user logons will be reported to the FortiGate unit. You can change the port if necessary. The eDirectory Setup dialog box opens. See Configuring FortiGate group filters on page DC Agent mode — a Domain Controller agent monitors user logon events and passes the information to the Collector agent. To view domain controller agent status: Clear Group Cache Clear group information of logged-in users. fortinet fsae collector agent

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This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services.

Fortinet fsae collector agent download

Set the supportFSAEauth value dword to You can use existing Windows AD user groups for authentication to FortiGate units if you intend that all members within each group have the same network access privileges.

This can be useful for troubleshooting. You need to configure filters for ayent FortiGate units using the Add function. To add an eDirectory server: Monitor the following groups The Collector agent sends to the FortiGate unit the user logon information for the Windows AD user groups in this list.

Enter regedit or regedt32 and select OK. Select to require the FortiGate unit to authenticate before connecting to the Collector agent.

fortinet fsae collector agent

You need to configure the eDirectory agent for it to communicate with eDirectory servers. Enter the interval in minutes after which Fortinet Single Sign On Agent purges information for user logons that it cannot verify.

Configuring the FSSO collector agent for Windows AD

If Log logon events in separate logs is enabled, you can view user login-related information. If needed, create this new dword.

However, you may have problems if you narrow the BaseDN too much when you have international employees from the company visiting different offices. Under heavy system load this might provide information less reliably. If you want to modify an existing filter, select it in the list and then select Edit.

See Configuring the eDirectory agent on page If there are many users on your Windows AD domains, the large amount forhinet information might affect the performance of the Vollector units. This reduces the amount of required resources on the FortiGate unit especially when logging logon events to memory.

Configuring the FSSO Collector agent for Windows AD – Fortinet GURU

The Collector agent sends to the FortiGate unit the user logon information for the Windows AD user groups in this list. Otherwise, leave the check box clear and enter a username and Fortiner below. Choose the Working Mode: The Set Directory Access Information dialog box opens.

Use default credential Select to use the credentials specified in the eDirectory Configuration Utility. If there are many users on your Windows AD domains, the large amount of information might affect the performance of the FortiGate units.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Enter the following information. In the preceding single-line field, enter the Windows AD domain name and user group name, and then select Add.

fortinet fsae collector agent

OK Save the filter list and exit. The default is User password Enter the password.

Configuring the FSSO Collector agent for Windows AD

You need to configure the group filter list so that each FortiGate unit receives the correct user logon information for the user groups that are named in its security policies. You can also alter default settings and settings you made during installation. Low end models support Windows AD user groups, where mid and high end models support groups. See Configuring FortiGate group filters on page Configuring ports on the collector agent computer On the computer where you install the Collector agent, you must make sure that the firewall does not block the listening ports for the FortiGate unit and the DC Agent.

Dead entries usually occur because the computer is unreachable such as in standby mode or disconnected but the user has not logged off.

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